Check, check, checking :)

Now thats the book price explained, so lets get back to the production of the book. Next job was decide on the font style for the inside of the book. This was quite easy really as Matador found the perfect font to go with the story, they sent a sample over for me to take a look at and I then gave them to go ahead.

Things really did start to speed up from here onwards and the typesetting process began. I may have mentioned earlier that I had already decided that I wanted white lettering on a black background. The reason for this was because I wanted to make the colours on the page appear brighter due to them being on a black background.

When all this was finished it all needed to be checked for errors. I not only had to check the images to make sure I was happy with them, but also check the text for mistakes. It all came back to me via image transfer, due to the size of the file. Ive got to admit I was chuffed to bits, they had done an excellent job, but now it was my turn to start checking.

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